{lang=EN}Capture the construction as image{/lang}{lang=SI}Capture the construction as image{/lang}{lang=CZ}Capture the construction as image{/lang}

{lang=EN} JSXGraph offers several possibilities to take a snapshot of a construction. This may be useful for a student who should be enabled to take a screenshot of a construction, but it may also be useful in an e-learning environment where students' solution of an exercise should be stored on a web server in form of a screenshot. {/lang}

{lang=EN}Screenshot button{/lang}

{lang=EN} The easiest way to enable screenshots is to add the screenshot icon ⌘ in the navigation bar of the construction by adding the attribute showScreenshot:true (and showNavigation:true) to the board attributes.

When the user clicks on the ⌘ icon, an image containing the construction will appear over the JSXGraph board. By right clicking on this image the user can download the image. {/lang}

<div id="jxgbox" class="jxgbox" style="width:500px; height:200px;"></div>
 var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox', {
     boundingbox: [-5, 2, 5, -2],
     showScreenshot:true });

 var p = board.create('point', [-2,0], {name:"A"});
 var q = board.create('point', [-1,-1], {name:"B"});
 var r = board.create('point', [1,-0.5], {name:"C"});
 var s = board.create('point', [1,1], {name:"D"});
 var t = board.create('point', [-1,1.5], {name:"E"});

 var poly1 = board.create('polygon',[p,q,r,s,t],
                {name:"", withLabel:true});

{lang=EN} There are a few options available:

  • scale: scaling factor (default=1)
  • type: format of the screenshot image. Default: png
  • symbol: Unicode symbol which is shown in the navigation bar. Default: '\u2318'
  • css: CSS rules to format the div element containing the screen shot image
  • cssButton: CSS rules to format the close button of the div element containing the screen shot image {/lang}
<div id="jxgbox2" class="jxgbox" style="width:500px; height:200px;"></div>
 var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox2', {
     boundingbox: [-5, 2, 5, -2],
     keepAspectRatio: true, 
     showCopyright: false,
     showNavigation: true, 
     showScreenshot: true,
     screenshot: {
            scale: 3,
            symbol: \u2318
 var p = board.create('point', [-2,0], {name:"A"});
 var q = board.create('point', [-1,-1], {name:"B"});
 var r = board.create('point', [1,-0.5], {name:"C"});
 var s = board.create('point', [1,1], {name:"D"});
 var t = board.create('point', [-1,1.5], {name:"E"});
 var poly1 = board.create('polygon', [p,q,r,s,t], {name:"", withLabel:true});

{lang=EN}Save to canvas{/lang}

{lang=EN} JSXGraph constructions can be displayed as static image in a canvas element supplied by developer. The following HTML code contains a JSXGraph construction, a button and a canvas element. {/lang}

<div id="jxgbox3" class="jxgbox" 
    style="width:500px; height:200px;"></div>
<button id="start_save">Save to canvas</button>
<canvas id="canvas_out" 
    style="width:500px; height:200px; border: solid 2px blue; 

{lang=EN} In addition to the JSXGraph construction, an event listener is added to the button with the ID start_save which calls the method board.renderer.dumpToCanvas() with the ID of the canvas element, the width and height of the exported image and a boolean variable if the texts should be displayed, too. {/lang}

 var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox3', {
     boundingbox: [-5, 2, 5, -2],
     keepAspectRatio: true, 
     showCopyright: false,
     showNavigation: true, 
 var p = board.create('point', [-2,0], {name:"A"});
 var q = board.create('point', [-1,-1], {name:"B"});
 var r = board.create('point', [1,-0.5], {name:"C"});
 var s = board.create('point', [1,1], {name:"D"});
 var t = board.create('point', [-1,1.5], {name:"E"});
 var poly1 = board.create('polygon', [p,q,r,s,t], {name:"", withLabel:true});
 document.getElementById('start_save').onclick = function() {
    var withTexts = true;
    board.renderer.dumpToCanvas('canvas_out', 500, 200, withTexts);

Save as data URI

{lang=EN} The next possibility is to store the construction as data URI. This is the method of choice if a screenshot of a construction should be stored on a web server in e.g. an e-learning environment. The screenhost can be exported as string with the method

    var withTexts = true, txt;
    txt = board.renderer.dumpToDataURI(withTexts);

The data URI will contain the base64 encoded SVG code of the construction. Text elements which are displayed as HTML texts above the construction will be packed into a SVH foreignObject element. Usually, only web browser are able to display the content of these foreignObject elements. {/lang}

 var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('jxgbox4', {
     boundingbox: [-5, 2, 5, -2],
     keepAspectRatio: true, 
     showCopyright: false,
     showNavigation: true, 
 var p = board.create('point', [-2,0], {name:"A"});
 var q = board.create('point', [-1,-1], {name:"B"});
 var r = board.create('point', [1,-0.5], {name:"C"});
 var s = board.create('point', [1,1], {name:"D"});
 var t = board.create('point', [-1,1.5], {name:"E"});
 var poly1 = board.create('polygon', [p,q,r,s,t], {name:"", withLabel:true});
 document.getElementById('dump_uri').onclick = function() {
    var withTexts = true, txt;
    txt = board.renderer.dumpToDataURI(withTexts);
    document.getElementById('text_out').value = txt;